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  • Don’t let Biden mess up economy with higher taxes

    Don't let Biden mess up economy with higher taxes

    (Official Washington Examiner editorial, May 18)  Democrats will use a misleading Congressional Budget Office report earlier this month to argue against extending 2017 tax cuts that jump-started the economy. Congressional Republicans would be wise to […]

  • National politics churns in December

    Chaplain (Maj.) Steven O'Brien feeds an orphaned toddler mashed potatoes at the Franciscan Missionaries of Notre Dame Baby Orphanage in Djibouti City, Djibouti. Chaplain O'Brien deployed to Camp Lemonier, Djibouti, from the 4th Air Force at March Air Reserve Base, Calif. The Camp Lemonier chapel staff arranges visits to this orphanage three times a week. (U.S. Air Force photo/by Staff Sgt. Francesca Popp)

    Herewith, a plethora of Quin’s writings at the Examiner from Dec. 8 through 23. Follow the links embedded in the headlines. Colleges were better when they were more ‘Paper Chase‘ […]

  • Ryan and McConnell ace tax reform

    Ryan and McConnell ace tax reform

    By Quin Hillyer at The Washington Examiner; Maybe Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell aren’t so bad. In fact, their successful effort to pass the most significant tax reform in three […]

  • House Moves to Fix Flood-Insurance Program

    House Moves to Fix Flood-Insurance Program

    Note from Quin: This is important here in the Gulf states! (Quin Hillyer, Liberty Headlines) According to the New York Times, “a house in Spring, Texas, has been repaired 19 times, for a […]

  • Republicans play blame game on Ryancare

    Republicans play blame game on Ryancare

    (Quin Hillyer, Liberty Headlines) With the collapse of the U.S. House Republicans’ legislative efforts to replace Obamacare, the blame game on the right has reached epic proportions. Many mainstream publications and […]

  • Roundup: Ryan, Biden, Santorum, and More

    Roundup: Ryan, Biden, Santorum, and More

    How Paul Ryan Got from ‘Never’ to ‘All In’ for Speaker, by Tim Alberta; The Ryan Revolution, by Matthew Continetti; Paul Ryan Will Be a Transformational Speaker, by John Hart; […]


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