From Quin: New direction for me
ANNOUNCEMENT: As of today, I am no longer with the Washington Examiner. I am excited to announced that today I begin a new job as full-time member of the editorial […]
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Home / Posts tagged 'Alabama'
By Quin Hillyer /
ANNOUNCEMENT: As of today, I am no longer with the Washington Examiner. I am excited to announced that today I begin a new job as full-time member of the editorial […]
By Quin Hillyer /
(May 24) MOBILE, Alabama, and NEW ORLEANS — What part of the words “cruel and unusual” do lawmakers in Louisiana and Alabama not understand? Imposing outlandish cruelty while inviting a […]
By Quin Hillyer /
MOBILE, Alabama — Here in Alabama, in a unique race in a bizarre district mandated by misguided judges, one Republican congressional candidate is trying to prove politics can be conducted […]
By Quin Hillyer /
(March 25, official editorial of the Washington Examiner) State by state, parental rights and parental choice are being vindicated and promoted, even as the federal government and some bad judges work to erode the […]
By Quin Hillyer /
(August 4) Racial obsessions clearly have reached absurdly feverish levels when some people say even the search for missing persons should be segregated. Not content with the hugely successful Amber Alert […]
By Quin Hillyer /
Two columns on Alabama redistricting, first on how the Supreme Court screwed it up, then how the state legislature stubbornly made it even worse. …. (July 17) The Alabama state […]
By Quin Hillyer /
(Official Washington Examiner editorial, June 11) Chief Justice John Roberts famously wrote in a 2006 political redistricting case that “it is a sordid business, this divvying us up by race.” In a […]
By Quin Hillyer /
(Nov. 16) Credit one veteran conservative Republican legislator for understanding what real fiscal responsibility means. Chris Pringle, just elected speaker pro tem of the Alabama House of Representatives, offered a word […]
By Quin Hillyer /
A bonanza of six, count them six, columns on First Amendment (and closely related) topics. [Links to each full column embedded in each headline.] College student survey makes future look […]
By Quin Hillyer /
The Supreme Court should not make a twisted hodge-podge of redistricting law even worse by throwing out Alabama’s congressional map. Two pieces below explain why. (Links to full columns embedded […]
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