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  • Inmates, an ouster, and a bad re-entry

    Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley addresses members of the 187 FW during a deployment ceremony at Dannelly Field Air National Guard Base, Ala., April 5, 2014. The ceremony honored those members being tasked for the upcoming deployment to Afghanistan. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech. Sgt. Matthew Garrett)

    Three unrelated pieces by Quin at the Washington Examiner (follow the links embedded in the headlines): Trump should oust Maduro like Bush ousted Noriega (May 1): President Trump should end […]

  • A very Strange Senate column

    A very Strange Senate column

    By Quin Hillyer at Yellowhammer News; Did you see the Sunday guest column at by Alabama’s temporary U.S. Sen. Luther Strange? It would be risibleif it weren’t also so insulting to readers’ intelligence.   […]

  • Fallout from Roy Moore controversy

    Fallout from Roy Moore controversy

    Two important columns after the Moore story both — neither of them assuming Moore’s guilt or innocence, but merely analyzing political questions worth considering; It’s Mitch McConnell’s fault — and […]

  • How Strange Got Less Than Moore

    How Strange Got Less Than Moore

    By Quin Hillyer in the New York Times; Mobile, Ala. — Former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore delivered a striking rebuke Tuesday to President Trump and the Senate majority leader, […]

  • In Bama, scandal finally finds a Democrat

    In Bama, scandal finally finds a Democrat

    Here’s the whole article. For the first several paragraphs, here you go: (Quin Hillyer, Liberty Headlines) It’s not just Republicans getting caught up in scandals in Alabama’s state government. Now, after the […]

  • Bama’s Continuing Political Saga…

    Bama's Continuing Political Saga...

    Not one but two pieces — one a straight-news roundup, one an opinion piece — on various aspects of Alabama’s ongoing political soap opera.  — Quin Hillyer 1. [Straight news […]

  • Alabama GOP riven by scandals

    Alabama GOP riven by scandals

    (Quin Hillyer, Liberty Headlines) With Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley earning international headlines by resigning Monday in the wake of a scandal involving sex, misreporting of campaign finances, and multiple allegations of misuse […]

  • Bentley is right: Don’t tax groceries

    Bentley is right: Don't tax groceries

    By Quin Hillyer at; Amidst the appearance of tawdriness surrounding Gov. Robert Bentley, it’s easy not to notice when he does something right. The governor, though, deserves great credit […]

  • Strange appointment still reeks


    The appearance of a major conflict of interest, and of at least fudging the terms of what could be a criminal investigation, continues to haunt newly appointed U.S. Sen. Luther […]


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