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  • Palm Sunday Reflections

    Palm Sunday Reflections

    The story of Palm Sunday, and of the Passion (which is Palm Sunday’s traditional Gospel) reading, is all too familiar. So forgive, if you will, a non-traditional take on it, […]

  • Sunday Reflections, March 22

    Sunday Reflections, March 22

    The first lesson is Jeremiah, 31:31-34. The Psalm is 51:1-13. The epistle is Hebrews 5:5-10. The Gospel is John 12:20-33. There are so many threads in these readings to untie, […]

  • Sunday Reflections, March 15

    Sunday Reflections, March 15

    The first lesson is Numbers 21:4-9. The Psalm is 107: 1-3 and 17-22; the epistle is Ephesians 2:1-10. The Gospel is John 3:14-21. It has often been said, not without […]

  • Sunday Reflections, March 8

    Sunday Reflections, March 8

    The readings today are: Exodus 20:1-17; Psalm 19; I Corinthians 1:18-25; John 2:13-22. The first reading is the recounting of the Ten Commandments. The Gospel is the famous scene of […]

  • Sunday Reflections, March 1

    Sunday Reflections, March 1

    The readings today are: Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16; Psalm 22:22-30; Romans 4:13-25; Mark 8: 31-38. The first three readings all revolve in some way around God’s promise to Abraham to make […]

  • Thank you, Iron Dome… in Israel

    Thank you, Iron Dome... in Israel

    The photo here is of one of the Iron Dome anti-missile installations outside of Ashkelon, Israel. I stood about 80-100 yards away from this very unit yesterday, while getting a […]

  • Greetings from Jerusalem

    Greetings from Jerusalem

    The photo is of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, built on the site(s) believed to be where the crucifixion, burial, and resurrection took place. Yesterday we also stood on […]


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