An Easter message, via Private Ryan
By Quin Hillyer at the Washington Examiner; I recently re-watched the great movie Saving Private Ryan, and it struck me that Tom Hanks’ character’s dying lines are ones that Christians should also […]
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Home / Posts tagged 'St. Paul'
By Quin Hillyer /
By Quin Hillyer at the Washington Examiner; I recently re-watched the great movie Saving Private Ryan, and it struck me that Tom Hanks’ character’s dying lines are ones that Christians should also […]
By Quin Hillyer /
Last week’s PJ Media column on faith by Quin Hillyer, re-published here while we still technically are in Easter Week; As we celebrate Easter, we should also be reminded of, […]
By Quin Hillyer /
By Quin Hillyer at PJ Media; This week’s standard readings are, quite obviously, all about sin and redemption. Adam and Eve in the Garden, the psalmist acknowledging his sin, Paul […]
By Quin Hillyer /
by Quin Hillyer at PJ Media: This week’s readings from the Revised Common Lectionary include my favorite passage – not the most important, but my favorite – in the entire […]
By Quin Hillyer /
by Quin Hillyer at PJ Media; In the first reading from this week’s Revised Common Lectionary, the Roman-backed authorities seize, beat, and imprison the evangelist Paul and his friend […]
By Quin Hillyer /
The readings today can be found here. (Look at Track One, and use the second of the two suggested readings from Samuel along with Psalm 133 — although I won’t […]
By Quin Hillyer /
As is often the case, I find that of the readings for this week, the most eloquent, insightful and fulfilling comes from Paul’s letter — in this case, 2 Corinthians […]
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