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  • Rise in anti-Semitism should alert us all

    Rise in anti-Semitism should alert us all

    (March 23) With the Anti-Defamation League reporting on March 23 that last year showed the highest number ever, by far, of recorded antisemitic incidents in the United States, it is obvious, but […]

  • Louisiana Republican Party beclowns itself

    Louisiana Republican Party beclowns itself

    (Feb. 18) The Louisiana Republican Party my father helped build has become an embarrassing spectacle of purity tests and personality cults. Its executive committee’s unanimous vote to censure U.S. Sen. […]

  • An Honor Roll Against the Louisiana Nazi

    An Honor Roll Against the Louisiana Nazi

    Here,, I write about Slate’s remarkably well researched and reported six-part podcast series looking back 30 years at the three-year peak of David Duke’s career and the surprisingly difficult, […]

  • In NOLA, Rispone did worse than Duke

    In NOLA, Rispone did worse than Duke

    (Nov. 18) By now, plenty of analysts have pointed to the copious evidence that President Trump’s active participation in Louisiana’s gubernatorial race drove up Democratic turnout far more than Republican turnout. Trump clearly is politically toxic in […]


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