Biden’s reckless housing financing schemes (May 2):  Even as the second, third, and fourth largest bank failures in U.S. history have unnerved financial markets in the past two months, the Biden administration keeps adding more stressors to the mix.

Two new stressors come courtesy of the Federal Housing Finance Authority…..

Corrupt media hide Blinken’s and Biden’s corruption (April 25): Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s dealings involving presidential son Hunter Biden are beginning to smell awful. So, in turn, do the refusals of the liberal media and the Justice Department to show real interest in Hunter Biden’s apparent corruption.

What also smells is the role of now-President Joe Biden.

The tawdriness of the axis of Joe Biden, the intelligence community, and the media has been evident for years……

Could a ‘Deep Throat’ be emerging against Hunter and Joe Biden? (April 20):  The substance of shat a whistleblower apparently will report about political interference into the investigation into presidential son Hunter Biden is no surprise. The investigation, or rather what looks like a failure to investigate, has smelled of corruption for years. We can only hope that with a whistleblower now willing to talk, the liberal media finally will treat this corruption as the full-blown scandal it seems to be…..

New IG report: Biden’s bungle of Afghanistan had dire consequences (April 19):  ….

John Sopko, Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, is assigned to track all U.S. grants, programs, and operations intended for humanitarian and civil-society aid for that beleaguered central-Asian country. Sopko’s cover letter minces no words: “Afghanistan is facing a humanitarian catastrophe brought on by the Taliban takeover of the country following the U.S. withdrawal.”….

Biden’s re-election announcement was full of lies (April 25):  Give President Joe Biden credit for efficiency. It is really difficult to pack as many lies and hypocrisies into three minutes as he did in his video announcing his candidacy for reelection. …



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