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  • Is Secretary of State Pompeo corrupt?

    Is Secretary of State Pompeo corrupt?

    (May 21) Something looks rotten in the State Department of Mike Pompeo. An NBC News report added more reason to suspect the judgment, fiscal responsibility, and even integrity of Pompeo. […]

  • Liberty Headlines: Guns save; TARP wasted

    Liberty Headlines: Guns save; TARP wasted

    Two news-aggregation pieces from Liberty Headlines (follow the links in the Headlines themselves). Even Liberal Data-Crunchers Say Gun Control Doesn’t Work (Quin Hillyer, Liberty Headlines) As can be expected in the […]

  • Gerald Walpin: Good man, fine public servant

    Gerald Walpin: Good man, fine public servant

    by Quin at NRO’s The Corner. [F]ormer AmeriCorps Inspector General Gerald Walpin, the first direct employment victim of the Obama administration’s war against propriety, was struck and killed by a […]

  • Obama Muzzles Watchdogs

    Obama Muzzles Watchdogs

    When the very watchdogs put in place to keep government accountable are severely muzzled by that same government, the slide towards despotism becomes an avalanche. With that basic principle in […]


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