Two pieces written while the House Speakership was still open.

Republicans should back their nominee on the House floor, period (Official Washington Examiner editorial, Oct. 24):  House Republicans must get their act together, serve the country rather than narrow interests or personal vendettas, and elect a House speaker now.


After three weeks of turmoil, nine new Republicans put themselves forward for the party’s nomination for speaker. This makes for a grueling multiballot process. Whichever candidate emerges with the nomination should be given the same courtesy that most nominees have until recently, which is to get a “yes” vote from every member of the majority party on the floor.

Differences over policy or process should not set aside the obligation of each member to support the nominee their party has chosen. Nor should pique, political calculation, or obeisance to a particular presidential contender. Those considerations might reasonably come into play during the elimination votes. But once the party chooses, its members should fall in line.

The only exception should be for serious doubts on ethics. Conscience votes on corruption must be allowed and should dictate a “no” vote. Otherwise, a “yes” vote should be automatic…..

Here’s how GOP and Dems should cooperate on vote for Speaker (Oct. 24):  Now that Republicans have a new nominee for speaker of the House, they should stop being so narrow-minded that they reject any form of help from Democrats to get their nominee actually elected on the House floor.

If there are a handful of Republican defectors who won’t vote for nominee Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN), but enough Democrats decide to not vote at all, the number required for a majority could drop to the point where Emmer gets elected. Various reports say some Democrats are indeed considering doing this, for the good of the country, to get the House working again…..


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