As in Pennsylvania, Senate race in Bama is a humdinger (May 19): If you liked the three-way drama of the Republican Senate primary in Pennsylvania this week, you’ll love the similar drama in Tuesday’s GOP Senate primary in Alabama.
This is fitting, considering famous Democratic consultant James Carville’s aphorism about the Keystone State’s political culture that “Pennsylvania is Pittsburgh in the west, Philadelphia in the east, with Alabama in between.”
As in Pennsylvania’s middle territory, Alabama’s pitched battle has featured wild polling swings amid dramatic interventions by former President Donald Trump….
Trump will lose in Ga. Gov. race, but let’s watch radical MTG in the House (May 20): Despite the urgings of wannabe kingmaker Donald Trump, the big, statewide races in Tuesday’s Georgia primary look like snoozefests that don’t favor his candidates, but a House race in northwest Georgia may be a sleeper.
First, the statewide races. Trump’s obsession with the lie that he actually won Georgia’s vote in 2020 led him to endorse former Sen. David Perdue, who keeps repeating the lie, over incumbent Republican Gov. Brian Kemp. Trump blames Kemp for failing to prove the voter fraud that Trump alleges. Trump did this even though Kemp had been about as Trumpy a governor as humanly possible — and even though Kemp engineered voting reforms in 2021 that would help guarantee the integrity of future elections.
Despite Trump’s efforts, Perdue has made no headway….[Later in the column] All of which leaves as the real battleground the Republican race in the 14th Congressional District pitting radical incumbent Marjorie Taylor Greene against healthcare executive Jennifer Strahan and four other candidates. Greene has regularly given aid and comfort to white supremacists and bizarre conspiracy theorists, but Trump and a large group of House conservatives continue to endorse her. By some accounts, though, she could be in political trouble against Strahan, a strong conservative of the sane variety. …