As a reminder, these roundups include items I think readers will find interesting — but they do not necessarily reflect an endorsement of the ideas therein. — Quin




Majority of Immigrant Households are on Welfare, by Kevin D. Williamson.

What the Other GOP Candidates Can Learn From Trump, by Jonah Goldberg.

Trump Has Succeeded in Convincing Conservatives to Discard Their Principles Overnight, by Charles C.W. Cooke.

Keep Calm and Ignore the 2016 ‘Game Changers,’ by Nate Silver.

… and, from the ludicrous Left, comes this frothy piece of hurt feelings over an imaginary racial slight, about a music video from which all proceeds are being donated to saving African wildlife. I don’t think it’s a very good song or video, but, really, isn’t there something real to get offended by, without complaining about relatively tame pop stars? Here: Taylor Swift’s Colonial Fantasy: The Dubious Racial Politics of “Wildest Dreams,” by Nico Lang.

…. and finally, I must end on a better note — from the world of sports, from Alabama via the “Frozen Tundra,” about one of the finest, most admirable sportsmen ever. It made me teary-eyed: Inside Bart Starr’s Drive to Honor Fellow Packer Great Brett Favre, by Ian O’Connor.

