Note from Quin Hillyer: It has been a long time since I’ve provided a roundup of other good stories, but it’s time to start doing so again, and I will. Here are some of interest, below.

At The American Spectator, Melissa Mackenzie has a very clever, very brutal, takedown of the press. Agree or not, it’s a fun read.

At The Federalist, Mollie Hemingway piles on.

Whereas a charter member of the conventional-wisdom media, The WashPost’s E.J. Dionne, pronounces Donald Trump “legitimately terrifying.”


Speaking of Hemingways, Mollie’s husband Mark reports at The Weekly Standard that despite talking during the campaign like a “big-government conservative,” Trump may actually try to slash big parts of the budget.

Meanwhile, I am not the only one defending/promoting Alabama’s own Bill Pryor as a possible Supreme Court nominee. See John Malcolm at National Review.

Also at NR, this one for policy wonks, Yuval Levin provides a great guide on the coming efforts to re-do health-care policy.

Finally, for those interested in the results of leftist crime policies and of riots against the police, here is a troika of articles by Sean Kennedy at The American Media Institute about three cities facing rampaging homicide problems.

