We start our roundup today, the day before the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina’s landfall, with several pieces providing needed perspective on the storm and its aftermath. First, Scott McKay at the Hayride lays some of the blame where it belongs. (Go back to the Spectator for part two of Scott’s assessment — which wasn’t out yet when I put this roundup together.)

Second, I myself highlight one of the few political heroes, here.


I’m not the only one. Dan McLaughlin at RedState agrees.

And, from the world of sports, it is undeniable that the comeback of New Orleans owes a lot to the Saints. I’ll add a particular shout-out to running back Deuce McAllister, head and shoulders above the rest, and also wide receiver Joe Horn, both of whom loudly and publicly insisted that the Saints should and must stay in New Orleans — and helped shame owner Tom Benson away from the idea of moving the team to San Antonio. Also due a hat tip is then-NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue, who provided so much support to New Orleans, in the face of lots of doubt (including from other owners) about whether the NFL should return there.

WHO DAT?!?!?!?

Moving on to politics and government….

… by yours truly: Yes, Trump Sorta Bombed.

Among the Trumpies, by Fred Barnes.

Now, moving on from a liberal, vulgar, shallow candidate to one of real substance and a proven record….

Walker’s Obamacare Alternative: Setting the Record Straight, by Jeffrey H. Anderson.

My good friend Deroy Murdock, one of the most solid economic conservatives I have ever known, agrees: With His Health-Care Plan, Walker Shows His Titanium Core.

Finally, the RNC, as is its wont, has utterly screwed up, this time in its embrace of truly dumb debate criteria. The better format would be for two debates chosen not by polls alone, but by a system of a semi-random draw. Carly Fiorina is right, here: Carly Fiorina Camp Goes to War with the RNC, by Politico’s Steven Shepard.

It’s not just Fiorina. Rick Santorum, Bobby Jindal, and even James Gilmore merit a shot at prime-time debate participation. I guarantee that at least one of them would shine if they got the opportunity.

— Quin


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