Trump continued to try to hijack the election (Aug. 2): Perhaps the most appalling revelation from the newest indictment of former President Donald Trump is that he and his henchman continued pressuring senators to wrongfully overturn Joe Biden’s election even after the horror of the U.S. Capitol riot.
According to the indictment, even after Trump made his bizarre video asking rioters to leave the Capitol but saying he “love[d]” them, Trump and his consiglieres spent hours continuing to try to impede the key civic ceremony signaling a peaceful transfer of power…. Trump was willing to put the entire nation through more turmoil, indeed to put the whole political system in hock, for his selfish ambitions…..

Thanksgiving Video Conference Call with Military Service Personnel
Federal edifice complex is really bad (Official Washington Examiner editorial, July 26): The federal government seems incapable of managing anything well, so it can be no surprise that it is incompetent when it tries to manage office space. Even so, a report this month from the Government Accountability Office is startling and ought to spur real reforms.
The GAO says federal agencies spend $7 billion a year to maintain federal office buildings of 511 million square feet of space, or to lease office space from others. Yet much of this office space stands empty. …
Biden should stay out of Israel’s internal affairs (Official Washington Examiner editorial, July 27): President Joe Biden is dead wrong to pressure Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to curtail judicial reforms now roiling the Jewish homeland. The subject is none of our president’s business, and he is also wrong on the substance….
Biden proposal would block popular health-insurance plan (Official Washington Examiner editorial, July 24): Democrats seem unable to bear the thought that people would want to use health insurance plans that the Biden administration doesn’t favor. President Joe Biden proposed a new rule this month that would throw thousands of people off insurance rather than let them keep the plans they have chosen.
So much for former President Barack Obama‘s claim, “If you like your plan, you can keep it.”….