Four pieces unrelated to each other except that each is policy-heavy, on either schools or drugs. (Link to each full article embedded in each headline.
Unions play politics at expense of real learning (Official Washington Examiner editorial, Aug. 20): After another summer of radical activity from the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers, Congress should revoke the unique federal charter of the former, and federal agencies should ensure both groups comply fully with labor laws.
Both unions long ago abandoned their proper missions, namely ensuring reasonable working conditions for school staff. Both now are avatars of the extreme Left, focused less on educational attainment than on partisan political activism and radical social crusades….
Public tells LA school board not to weaken graduation requirements (Advocate/TP column, Aug. 23): Strong public pushback may be giving the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education second thoughts about proposed new rules that would provide a path for students to gain high school diplomas even if they badly fail state tests.
Good for the pushback…..
Biden sells out to ‘Big Pot’ industry (official Washington Examiner editorial, Sept. 1): The Biden administration ignored “the science” this week and exacerbated a growing national health problem, all to win young people’s votes and give massive tax breaks to friends in the marijuana industry.
The federal Drug Enforcement Agency can and should reject President Joe Biden’s latest pot-pandering proposal, which it has the power to do….
Government absolutely should not ‘negotiate’ private-sector medicine prices (official Washington Examiner editorial, Aug. 26): Democratic lawmakers keep prescribing more and more quack economic medicine. They do so before the previous dose has done its full measure of damage. And they do so even though preliminary results are disturbing and indicate nothing good.
Reps. Frank Pallone (D-NJ), Richard Neal (D-MA), and Bobby Scott (D-VA) introduced a bill in July, which they and fellow Democrats plan to push when Congress returns from August recess. The legislation would vastly expand socialized medicine in the prescription drug industry. If the bill becomes law, long-term patient health would suffer nationwide….