The Left-liberal wing of American politics really is awful, as is shown by these three stories (with link to the whole column embedded in each headline):

Rep. Jayapal’s radical strategems fail (Dec. 28): Hard-left U.S. Rep. Pramila Jayapal of Washington state, who penned a nasty Washington Post column this week, should learn some things from West Virginia’s U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin and from the late, legendary Sens. Bob Dole and John McCain….

Jayapal, who leads the misnamed Congressional Progressive Caucus, spent most of the year pushing hard-line tactics in favor of the radical Build Back Better boondoggle that would spend the federal government into oblivion while giving major benefits to special interests. Now, enraged that Manchin has refused to kowtow to fellow Democrats’ BBB demands, Jayapal accuses the West Virginian of reneging on “commitments,” and it proposes an end-run around his opposition. Jayapal says President Joe Biden should simply dictate numerous provisions of BBB via “executive actions.”…

Radical judicial nominee makes false accusations of racism (Jan. 7): Most of President Joe Biden’s judicial nominees are distasteful to conservatives, but only a few are objectively so extreme as to be unfit for the bench. Nancy Gbana Abudu, though, is one such extremist.

It was somewhat lost in the Christmas shuffle that Biden on Dec. 23 nominated Abudu for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit. Abudu is the deputy legal director and director for strategic litigation at the Southern Poverty Law Center, a left-wing group that once merited at least some respect for its work against white supremacy but which years ago forfeited legitimacy….

It’s racist to ration COVID care based on, yes, race (Jan. 10):The moral rot of race-based government policies is putting lives at risk as some states and cities refuse to give coronavirus treatments to white people.

Enough is enough. Once and for all, no government anywhere should condition its benefits or its judgments on the perceived race of a person. Moreover, even in the realm of private affairs, we all should stop obsessing about race and skin color. Making judgments on the basis of race is the very definition of racism, pure and simple — and taking actions based on racial judgments is racial discrimination. Racial discrimination, always and everywhere, is invidious….



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