Herewith, my two most recent news summaries from Liberty Headlines — Quin

Media Ignore Liberals’ ‘Environmental Racism’ Hobbyhorse Because Perp is a Democrat

Question: Since when does the national news media pay almost no attention to a guilty plea from a state legislator – a high-profile former star athlete, at that – for taking bribes to fight against environmental cleanup of an impoverished neighborhood?

Answer: When the legislator is a Democrat.

Liberty Headlines reported a few weeks agoon the case of Alabama State Rep. Oliver Robinson, who resigned his seat amidst an investigation into his legislative actions opposing an official designation of poverty-wracked neighborhoods as a federal Superfund site meriting environmental remediation. As LH explained, “The Environmental Protection Agency proposed naming entire neighborhoods around Robinson’s district as sites for massive ‘Superfund’ cleanups. Left-leaning politicians tend to support federal environmental intervention, but Robinson came out four-square against this Superfund designation.”

The investigation bore fruit. On June 22, Robinson entered a plea agreement to admit to conspiracy, bribery, four different counts of wire fraud, and tax evasion….. [Again, here’s the full column.]

Conservatives Rejoice as Trump Ends Obama’s Land/Water Grab

The federal government will no longer regulate private landowners’ flood ponds – leading free-marketeers, property-rights advocates, conservative Congressmen and constitutional/legal “strict constructionists” to issue a veritable flood of celebratory messages…..



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