By Quin Hillyer published at National Review Online, Jan. 5;
Mobile, Ala. — When national and local NAACP leaders staged a sit-in here in Senator Jeff Sessions’s Mobile office, they probably made it more difficult, not less, for a number of Democratic senators to oppose his appointment as U.S. attorney general.
The wolf-cries of “racism” against a man who obviously isn’t racist are perfect examples of the behavior against which voters in red states have so dramatically rebelled.
Five of the Democratic senators up for reelection in 2018 — Jon Tester of Montana, Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, and Joe Manchin of West Virginia — come from red states that Donald Trump won by high double digits, ranging from Missouri’s 18.7-point margin to West Virginia’s 42.1. (Of these five senators, only Manchin has so far pledged to vote for Sessions.) And Ohio’s Sherrod Brown and Florida’s Bill Nelson, both Democrats, represent states that not only voted for Trump but also just reelected Republican senators by 21.8 points and 7.7 points, respectively….
And for those red-state voters who go beyond feelings to facts, the bond with Sessions will only grow.
In all the local interviews I’ve heard (unless I missed one, which I doubt), the NAACP officials, without exception, attributed their fierce opposition to Sessions primarily to a 1985 voting-fraud case brought by the U.S. Attorney’s office in Mobile then led by Sessions. They and other leftists have repeatedly portrayed the case, in the rural “Black Belt” county of Perry, as an attempt to “suppress” black votes. On its very face, the allegation is absurd: The original complaint was brought to the feds by one group of black officials (and voters) alleging that other black officials had committed fraud. It was not white against black, but black against black: There was no racial element to the case at all….
For the full article — much of which was read live on the air by Laura Ingraham, and widely linked elsewhere — read here.
Tags: Alabama, Jeff Sessions, racism, trump