Three Examiner pieces by Quin (links embedded in the headlines);

National GOP ups ante in LA Gov. race (July 9):

Because only three states have gubernatorial elections in 2019, even what looks like a boring race in Louisiana is getting major attention from national Republicans.

Louisiana is an anomaly, in that it is a strongly conservative southern state which nonetheless has an incumbent Democratic governor. …

New Orleanians may need an ark (explaining N.O. topography to nationals, before Barry thankfully skirted the city) (July 11): 

With a video gone viral of some guy literally swimming along Canal Street in New Orleans, plus a likely hurricane expected to add some 18 more inches of rain on the city this weekend, Americans again must fathom what it must mean to live in a city that literally sits below sea level.

Until Hurricane Katrina came, at least for kids it was sort of fun. For reasons you can probably understand, this is no longer the case. A topographical lesson is necessary. For millennia, the Mississippi River overflowed its banks with spring floodings, thus depositing tons of silt each time which built up higher ground right along the river banks. But spreading out from those natural banks, the land not only stayed low but, as settlers built, the land settled or sank. The result is that today, most of New Orleans is between two and four feet below sea level, with some parts ten feet below….

GOP hacks should have let Amash keep his committee(s) (July 8): 

House Republicans will look petty and make Michigan’s Justin Amash look like a martyr if they strip Amash of his committee assignments in retaliation for his declaring independence from the Republican Party. They will also hurt Amash’s constituents for no good reason.

In other words, they will be behaving exactly like the party hacks Amash says they are.

Amash has done nothing dishonorable, unethical, or immoral….


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