For each of these four pieces on Joe Biden’s policies, please follow the links embedded in the headlines in order to read the whole columns.
Biden must get tougher to save American prisoner in Jordan (April 12):
Perdicaris alive or Raisuli dead!
Sometimes it’s easy to wish that the determination behind that phrase, which once was a famous byword in American popular lore, continued to govern America’s diplomacy. The reality is not so simple, though, as is the case with U.S. citizen Bassem Awadallah, who as of April 3 has been held in a Jordanian prison under dubious circumstances for a full calendar year. (As will be discussed shortly, if you bear with me.)….
Biden needs to move fast to the political center (April 10):
…. Biden ran in 2019 and 2020 as the nonradical Democrat, in contrast to socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders. Almost as soon as he nailed down the nomination, though, he adopted a policy agenda literally written by Sanders’s supporters…..
With the world so dangerous, why is Biden seriously shortchanging defense? (April 7): Even amid the war in Ukraine and China’s saber-rattling, both of which remind us that the world is more dangerous than it was just half a decade ago, Biden’s proposed defense spending doesn’t even keep up with inflation. Worse, as the Wall Street Journal editorialists note, Biden is mothballing more ships than he approves for construction. President Ronald Reagan once justifiably wanted a Navy approaching 600 ships; Biden won’t even maintain 300….
Biden puts national security at risk by raiding the Petroleum Reserve (March 31): President Joe Biden is harming national security by ordering the release of massive amounts of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve . The release is a cynical political move, but it will backfire.
Biden announced Thursday he would release a million barrels per day from the Reserve for six full months, meaning the size of the Reserve will drop by 32%. (And that’s from a stash already depleted by some 100 million barrels from its full capacity.) …