My good friend Deroy Murdock wrote a brilliant column the other day about how to replace Obamacare. It’s well worth a read. (Follow the link.) — Quin
Here’s an excerpt:
It will take serious, steady work to enact a market-friendly Patient Power–based alternative to this wretched law. Democrats would vote in lock-step against a solitary replacement measure, if Republicans were foolish enough to compile a colossus that drones on for 2,801 pages, as did the laughably titled Affordable Care Act. Thankfully, there is an easier way.Republicans should remember that 25 Senate Democrats face reelection in 2018, many of whom — including Indiana’s Joe Donnelly, North Dakota’s Heidi Heitkamp, West Virginia’s Joe Manchin, and Montana’s Jon Tester — represent states that both Mitt Romney and Donald J. Trump carried. Republicans should seek the support of these and other shaky Senate and House Democrats, as well as those who appreciate individual liberty more than do such hardcore statists as Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer of New York and House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California.Republicans should hold separate votes on one specific replacement measure after another. Each should become effective the second that President Trump signs it into law, leaving Obamacare’s victims immediately free to choose patient-centered health coverage that suits their needs and tastes.First, senators and congressmen should vote to let Americans own individual, portable health plans, just as they own their auto- and life-insurance policies. Some Democrats will support such legislation.
What follows is a very well-informed, easy-to-understand list of all the individual policy changes Murdock says should be voted on, item, by item, instead of all of them in one massive package. Again, well worth a read.