Newt Gingrich is absolutely right, in the first roundup item, below. (While endorsement of ideas within my roundup items is not necessarily implied, I do endorse Gingrich’s analysis here.)

We’re Losing the War Against Radical Islam, by Newt Gingrich


Obama Budget DOA in Senate, 98 to 1 Vote, by John Fund

Democrats in Free Fall: The result of a Pennsylvania special election doesn’t bode well for the president’s party in 2016, by Peter Roff

Everything The White House Told You About Bowe Bergdahl Was Wrong, by Nancy Youssef

By the way, as you watch the presidential jockeying way advance of next year’s Iowa caucuses, my friend Nick Thimmesch explains why you can’t trust the national media to get it right:

Beware the out-of-touch national media horde, by Nicholas Thimmesch II

Now, for something completely mind-boggling, and sickening:
Cornell dean says ISIS welcome on campus in undercover video, by Carl Campanile

…. and, finally, from the thoughtful Left: How Filibusters Are Like Zombies, by Victoria Bassetti