As usual, click on the links, in red.

Responding to an article about how being nice to women (or, better yet, chivalrous) somehow is a form of sexism, I responded thusly.


Katherine Timpf of National Review had a very nice take on the subject, well worth reading.

And here’s an interesting news feature by Mobile’s own Alex Pappas, on Georgia’s freshman U.S. Sen. David Perdue.

Justice Clarence Thomas, making sense, as always, as explained by Ed Whelan of the Ethics and Public Policy Center.

…. and, from the sorta-converting, sorta-former left, an old college newspaper sparring partner of mine at Georgetown: What Am I Doing Here, by Kate Braestrup.

 Conservatives to Party Leaders: Show us a Strategy, and We Will Fight For You , by Josh Siegel.

…. finally, from the always-wrong-Left, the inimitably logic-twisted Jonathan Chait, I remain grateful that at least he spells my name correctly.