One column and one editorial on the Hunter/Joe Biden scandals.

(June 27, official Washington Examiner editorial: Whistleblower Reports are explosive)  The latest whistleblower reports about the business dealings of the Biden family sound less like a mere whistle and more like a five-alarm fire bell.


Steadily, almost inexorably, the reports released late last week raise the likelihood that President Joe Biden was involved with his son Hunter’s obviously disreputable business dealings. Steadily, almost inexorably, it becomes more likely that elements of the Justice Department took unusual steps to protect both Bidens from legal accountability.

Denials from Attorney General Merrick Garland, who has blatantly politicized the Justice Department and greatly undermined public trust in the justice system, don’t sound credible. And the plea deal afforded Hunter Biden looks not just lenient but corrupt.

Let’s start by considering the plea deal on its own terms. Hunter Biden apparently will receive probation for two misdemeanor counts of failing to pay taxes, as if he were merely culpable for careless error or inordinate delays in payments. Yet if one of the new whistleblower reports is true — and so far, all of them seem quite credible — then the Biden son veered well beyond that level of “mistake.” Instead, if true, he likely committed the sort of willful, intentional tax fraud that should trigger tax felony counts…. [The full editorial is at this link.]

(June 20 column: Hunter got much better deal than Stephen Nodine did)  Even on its own terms related to tax evasion and a gun purchase, the Justice Department’s plea deal for presidential son Hunter Biden is so lenient as to be a travesty. If the plea deal represents tacit exoneration on all other possible charges, as Biden’s lawyer indicated, then it’s not just a travesty but a hint of massive Justice Department corruption….

Yet with not one but two major violations, and with him being obviously guilty of two tax evasion charges as well (for which he will receive mere probation), Hunter Biden will avoid the prosecution that three-fifths of such cases receive for only one offense. The stench of favoritism is nearly suffocating.

For comparison, take just one case about which I’ve written numerous times…. [The full column is at this link.]


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