(Quin Hillyer, Liberty Headlines) As the political Left desperately tries to claim that the Presidential Advisory Committee on Election Integrity is a waste of time, or worse, evidence continues to mount to the contrary – meaning that voting irregularities actually are significant, and the commission’s work is important.

Liberal critics claim that voter-ID laws, and the commission, are in place only to achieve “vote suppression” of black people – but even the liberal site Vox reports that the claim is unwarranted.


For just a taste from the massive volume of leftist bile aimed at the commission, consider a Sept. 13 Esquire piece by Charles R. Pierce. It is full of fulminations, like saying the commission lives in “a fantastical world so detached from actual reality that the Hubble couldn’t pick it up, a universe of non-fact and ideological incest so round and complete that it was like wandering into something from Gulliver’s Travels.” The commission itself, Pierce wrote, is “nearly as nauseating as it is ridiculous.”

This is the same Charles Pierce who will remain forever infamous for the largely hagiographic article on the late liberal Sen. Ted Kennedy in which he wrote, sickeningly and mind-bogglingly, of Kennedy’s Chappaquiddick victim that “if she had lived, Mary Jo Kopechne would be 62 years old. Through his tireless work as a legislator, Edward Kennedy would have brought comfort to her in her old age.”

So Pierce is prone to bouts of wildness.

But while he and other leftists have trashed the bipartisan commission, the president’s appointees keep unearthing serious problems on state voter rolls.

For example, more than 5,000 people who weren’t residents of New Hampshire appeared to vote in last fall’s election in that state – more than enough to provide Hillary Clinton’s small victory margin there, and easily more than enough to tip the Senate race away from incumbent Republican Kelly Ayotte….

[For the rest of this article, go here.]

