Even though the 2020 presidential election wasn’t stolen, voting shenanigans are very real. Two columns.
Double voting registration in Minnesota, with one egregious example (Sept. 30): It’s bad enough that just six counties in Minnesota feature voting lists with 515 duplicate registrations. It’s worse when a growing number (total still to be determined) actually show votes cast under both registrations. It’s stunning when one of those apparent double voters (or people fraudulently voting twice under the same man’s name) is a convicted criminal.
That’s right: In Nicollet County, two votes were cast in the name of Damien Kingbird, who, according to records, has been found guilty of numerous crimes, just a partial list of which includes “making terrorist threats, sexual assault, and even sexually abusing a 13-year-old girl.”
The quote, with accompanying court documents, comes from the Public Interest Legal Foundation, which filed suit against all six counties this week for failing to clean up their voter rolls, thus providing golden opportunities for vote fraud. PILF sampled just six of Minnesota’s 87 counties but said it has indications other counties also have faulty lists….
Courts recognize and punish voter fraud in New York, Connecticut, and elsewhere (Sept. 19): A big voter fraud arrest and a separate voter fraud conviction in the past eight days again show that illicit voting is real and not terribly rare. The good news is that those on the side of ensuring voter integrity keep winning in the courts.
In 2020, I explained that New York’s absentee voting “portal” was so slipshod as to be an open invitation to fraud . “Someone could easily go to the portal using someone else’s name and date of birth and registered address within the district,” I wrote, “then ask for an absentee ballot to be sent somewhere else, and then fill in the ballot and mail it in.”
It is of precisely that offense that Jason T. Schofield, the Republican Rensselaer County Board of Elections commissioner, stands accused after his Sept. 13 arrest….