As Common Core Results Trickle In, Initial Goals Unfulfilled, by Christine Amario, Associated Press.
A Court Smacks Down Obama’s DOJ, by J. Christian Adams and Hans A. Von Spakovsky.
Beyond Burgers: The NLRB Decision is Comprehensively Awful, by James Sherk.
Adam Laxalt’s Coming Out Party, by Alexis Levinson. (Readers: Please remind me to tell a story about the Laxalt family at some time in the not-too-distant future. Terrific people!)
… and, finally, three last Katrina-related pieces, two of them involving how sports helped save New Orleans. Good stuff:
Katrina: What the Media Missed, by Lou Dolinar.
How Sports Have Helped New Orleans…., by Tim Layden.
… Former Saint Joe Horn Personally Remembers the Aftermath, by Michael Tillery.