Hillary Clinton’s Most Repugnant Lie, editorial by the New York Post;

Benghazi Hero’s Sis Rips Hillary Clinton, in the Boston Herald;


When it Comes to Donald Trump, I Hate Everyone, by Mollie Hemingway;

The Trump Cult of Personality and its Conservative Media Enablers, by Guy Benson;

Trump’s Word Isn’t Worth the Hot Air, by Debra Saunders;

The Obama Administration’s Defiance of Inspectors General…., by Hans von Spakovsky and John-Michael Seibler;

Obama’s Individual Mandate Tax to Hit American Families Harder in 2016; at GOP.com, based on report from the Kaiser Foundation;

…. and, finally, to end with some feel-good news (thank goodness!)….

This Mississippi Activist Shows How Big Victories Can Come From Small Beginnings, by Teri Christoph at Opportunity Lives.




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