I’ve been helping out with a great organization called the American Media Institute which is a non-profit journalism enterprise dedicated to waving investigative reporting in a time of shrinking daily newspaper staffs. AMI also features a news wire for daily stories. Most of this week’s roundup is from AMI.

Thousands of veterans denied access to care after discharge, by John Breslin;


U.S. may hand Putin an excuse to stop monitoring of Russia’s breeder reactors, by J. Michael Waller;


Senators seek answers over release of illegal charged with homicide, by Jacob Bielanski;

Democrat AGs, Al Gore announce legal effort vs. oil companies, by Norm Leahy;

Teacher shortages continue nationwide, by Andrea Billups;

Aside from AMI’s straight news, here are some good opinion columns well worth reading:

Capitulation on religious-liberty laws is shameful and short-sighted, by the editors, National Review;

You won’t believe what Donald Trump thinks the federal government’s top 3 roles are, by Shoshana Weissmann;

Profound ignorance: Donald Trump thinks that judges sign bills, conduct investigations, by southernconstitutionalist;

— Quin


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