A few weeks ago my friend Felix Veritas asked if the United States is a dying country, and he was pessimistic, but not defeatist. Now my friendly correspondent Steve McCann answers in The American Thinker that, definitively, yes, we are dying: The United States is a Dying Country;
I happen not to agree, although we certainly are in bad shape — but I never give up, and am willing to have my body be found by the wall, to prove it: Populism with More Than Pitchforks, by Yours Truly;
Iranian Deal — the Bad and the Ugly, also by Yours Truly;
In Iowa presidential politics, in two separate articles by Nick Thimmesch, both Scott Walker and Bobby Jindal impress;
Has the Vatican Already Forgotten the Lessons of John Paul II?, by George Weigel;
… and, from the world of sports, it was an absolutely fabulous, thrilling British Open, with a very, very likeable winner: Winning Golfer Thanks the Lord, by Deirdre Reilly.
— Quin