by Quin Hillyer;
Last week, the Georgetown College Republicans, helped by Young America’s Foundation, was kind enough to host me for a speech defending free speech on college campuses, against the scourge of “safe zones,” “trigger warnings,” speech codes, and radical campus unrest.
The Georgetown Voice did a good job covering it. I just now see that The HOYA covered it too. Both were straightforward, just-the-facts, fair news stories, which I appreciate. I like seeing campus journalists get it right. (One tiny note: In an understandable mis-hearing, the HOYA quoted me saying “wrinkle” when my real word was “rankle.”)
For those who for some reason want to see the whole speech, it is on You Tube. (Hint: Turn up the volume both at You Tube and on your own computer to the highest setting: I am told I spoke loudly enough to easily be heard at the back of the room, but the recorder level was low.)
(The speech came about in large part as a response to this controversy last year.)