Four column by Quin with links embedded in the headlines. (There is no topical connection among these four pieces.)
Doug Jones auditions for a Biden sub-Cabinet post (Aug. 17).
Mobile, Alabama — To voters here in Alabama, incumbent Democratic Sen. Doug Jones is almost entirely written off as a candidate for reelection. He has almost no chance to win. His speech tonight at the Democratic National Convention, therefore, was aimed less at his home state’s voters than at national Democratic power brokers….
All hail new civil rights appointee Christian Adams (Aug. 11).
t is refreshing to see President Trump appoint someone to the United States Commission on Civil Rights who actually believes the civil rights laws mean what they say.
The Left will be apoplectic because Trump’s newest appointment to the USCCR is J. Christian Adams, a onetime whistleblower in the Voting Section of the Department of Justice. Adams exposed the radical practices of Obama appointees — including the Obama administration’s infamous decision to drop an already-won voter-intimidation case against two armed members of the New Black Panther Party….
Miguel Estrada, who should have been a judge, remains impressive (Aug. 10).
Famed constitutional lawyer Miguel Estrada gently pushed back today on the suggestion that Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts skews his jurisprudence to protect the institutional standing of the court rather than applying the law based on neutral and consistent standards.
Still, Estrada acknowledged sometimes being “puzzled” by some of Roberts’s court opinions, finding “some of [Roberts’s approach] understandable, some of it not.” … Estrada was speaking via Zoom conference to hundreds of virtual attendees at a review, sponsored by the Federalist Society, of the recently completed Supreme Court term. …
Miguel Estrada
By embracing the constitutional system, Obama sort of rebuked the hard left (Aug. 20).
Conservatives quite reasonably feel some antipathy toward Barack Obama, but his convention speech Wednesday night contained elements conservatives should applaud and from which modern “progressives” should learn.
Obama made his remarks before a mural of the U.S. Constitution, rooted his remarks in that Constitution, and emphasized that change should and could occur within this excellent system and with reverence for “this country that we love.” This stands in stark contrast to the tenor of today’s race-baiters and rioters, and their elected Democratic enablers, whose message is that America is almost irredeemably racist, with the whole system so corrupt that it must be bypassed, including, perhaps, with violence….