Context, people, context!
There really was nothing wrong with Drew Brees’ full statement (June 3): The thought police blasting quarterback Drew Brees today should spike their own outrage. Brees is entitled to his thoughtful opinion, one shared by well over half of the public, against athletes taking a knee during the national anthem.
The social media mobs had a meltdown today when Brees, the holder of the all-time NFL passing record, answered a question about the anti-anthem act of defiance by former quarterback Colin Kaepernick. The whole context of Brees’s answer was respectful, gracious, and dignified….

Most police are ‘good guys,’ some are heroes — and they need more support (June 5): The newest nonsense from the Left in response to police misconduct is to call for defunding or even disbanding police departments. The mind reels at the foolishness and callousness of this, and at the horrors that would be unleashed upon black Americans if this were to happen.
There’s no need to cite too many particular statistics, because so many statistics will bear out the following truths that anyone can find them in quick internet searches aplenty: The more cops there are, and the more they arrest serious criminals, the more the crime rates fall. Overwhelmingly, it is people of color who are less victimized when more police are more visible in city streets, able and willing to arrest more perpetrators of crimes.
Okay, maybe one statistic: The number of black victims of violent crime fell by nearly two thirds from 1993 through 2005, exactly in conjunction with widespread adoption of larger police forces, more patrols in the “inner city,” and greater willingness to cite or arrest people for even lesser offenses. For most of the 15 years since, those numbers have fallen still more….
[This is really, really important. Good policing is the bedrock of a safe society.]