Now that Mike Huckabee officially has entered the presidential race, it’s worth looking back at what I wrote about him a few months ago:
There’s no hiding his highly problematic record in Arkansas, by Quin Hillyer;

Will 2016 Be the Year Republicans Finally Make an Appeal to Hispanics?, by Daniel Garza;

Liberals’ petri dish laid bare in Baltimore, by Charles Hurt;

Hooray for Hillary, America’s Greatest Creation; Baltimore’s “Uprising” Against Racist America, by Media Research Center;

… and our friend Deroy Murdock remains one of the most frequent, and most eloquent, boosters of New Orleans, which he has visited at least annually for a quarter century and on whose behalf he has written numerous times, including in the sad and somewhat frightening wake of Hurricane Katrina. Here’s his delightful take on Jazz Fest: Cinco de Mayo Is the Perfect Day for Give NOLA Day by Deroy Murdock


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