My column for the Advocate raises an important issue for school choice in Louisiana, by Yours Truly.
These four graphics tell the story of school choice, by Kelsey Harris at The Daily Caller.
Freedom and the Constitution, by Yuval Levin, gives us a worthy introduction and further commentary on Obama’s Reformation [about religion and democracy], by Adam White.
Here’s an important troika, the first two about the criminal organization that is the IRS, and the third a piece by the group “True the Vote,” which was one of the IRS political with-hunt’s leading targets — and which shows, despite the assertions of the Left, that voting fraud does indeed happen, a lot:
One more chance for justice at the IRS, by Kimberly Strassel. And Get the IRS out of the speech-police business, by Scott Blackburn. And Jail time for the second of four charged in Alabama voter fraud scheme, by True the Vote.
My former American Spectator colleague Matt Purple astutely notes What the Right can learn from Rick Santorum.
Finally, sadly, we mourn two deaths late last week. Ed Anderson was one of the finest, most thorough and unbiased reporters I’ve ever known, and a very nice man who several times offered words of encouragement to me in my early journalism career: A tribute to a damn good reporter, by Mike Bayham. And our hearts go out to the family of Vice President Joe Biden: I ask for Prayers for the Bidens, and in Joe Biden’s heartfelt thoughts on grief, from the Washington Post, we see him in 2012 showing a politician with his pretense gone, being very real.
Many condolences.