Two columns on a shameful event by Connecticut’s Richard Blumenthal, ignored by the establishment media (link to full columns embedded in headlines)…

Blumenthal openly celebrates with Communist Party (Dec. 15): It’s hard for “progressive” Democrats to avoid being likened to communists when a leading Democratic U.S. senator openly consorts with, yes, communists.


And this wasn’t just an encounter of happenstance. This was a preplanned, open, full embrace of a Communist Party event, accompanied by fulsome praise for the Communist Party hosts. What it means is that even if U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut isn’t himself a communist, he is indisputably a fellow traveler.

Yet Blumenthal surely will continue to enjoy all the emoluments of power and all the goodwill of his Democratic colleagues despite, or maybe because of, his enthusiastic participation in a Connecticut Communist Party awards ceremony. The Democratic congressional leadership certainly won’t denounce Blumenthal, much less strip him of committee posts, because to them, communism isn’t a mortal threat but a noble ideal that just hasn’t been well-implemented….

Same media that slammed Scalise ignores far worse by Blumenthal (Dec. 17): In 1980s College Republican lingo, a “Commie Symp” was someone suspected of sympathizing with Marxists. Events of the past week might make observers think establishment media outlets consist of Commie Symps.

That suspicion, only partially hyperbolic, arises because of the complete establishment-media blackout of the news that Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut spoke at a Dec. 11 awards ceremony for the Connecticut affiliate of Communist Party USA. As recorded by the Yankee Institute, a free market state think tank, Blumenthal pronounced himself “really excited and honored to be with you today” while presenting the group’s chosen award winners with special certificates of recognition from the Senate.

Blumenthal knew exactly the nature of the group with whom he felt so “honored” to join. Throughout the event, including in the introduction of Blumenthal himself just 60 seconds before the senator took the microphone, the two co-hosts repeatedly celebrated their Communist Party affiliation and urged listeners to join the Communist Party.

In any rational, morally decent media world, this would be a big scandal….


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