Hello, and welcome to the re-launch of QuinHillyer.com!

Starting today, this will be a web site with a wide and interesting variety of new content almost every day (at least five days a week), about which I’ll write momentarily.


First, though, let me introduce to you my new collaborator, my friend Bo Megginson. I am delighted to have Bo join me as a co-host of the site. He’ll tell you more about himself below, but let me just say that Bo brings the perspective both of a businessman/entrepreneur and of a thoughtful, well-read conservative. He has particularly impressed me with his determination to expand the appeal of conservatism to communities traditionally resistant to the political Right – but without pandering and without diluting our beliefs.

Now, as for what you can expect to see here on a regular basis:

First, rather than compiling lengthy round-ups of my links to my political columns for National Review, for the Advocate in Louisiana, for the al.com papers, and others, we’ll be posting individual links to each column within a day of its appearance.

Second, I’ll also be writing significantly more original content solely for QuinHillyer.com, especially on cultural subjects ranging from sports to books and movies to faith. Indeed, at least every other week, and possibly weekly, I’ll be writing for every Sunday a brief (350 words, maybe) reflection based on the readings from that week’s lectionary from either the Catholic or the Episcopal Church.

Third, Bo will be posting his own thoughts on politics and other subjects, as his time permits.

Fourth, Bo and I will be searching the Internet daily for the best, most interesting pieces we can find from other writers, and aggregating their links here in a “daily best” roundup.

Finally, I’ll occasionally be making special invitations to thoughtful writers of my acquaintance, both right and sometimes left, to contribute posts on a range of topics.

You’ll also see that you receive these e-mailers far more often, probably twice weekly. If you want to come here on your own but without getting these reminders in your in-box, please let us know, below, where it says “unsubscribe.”

Now, after Bo introduces himself, please do go to the site and see all the new entries since my last newsletter on January 5.

Thanks so much, and welcome back to QuinHillyer.com.



Hi. I’m Bo Megginson, and we’ll get to know each other better in the coming weeks and months.

Quin graciously offered the opportunity to help him promote conservative concepts, and I eagerly accepted. I found Quin’s voice one of the precious few articulating conservatism in a pragmatic, coherent way, understandable to Average Joe (like me). And Average Joe — the guy (or gal, for that matter) so busy that making a living and marshaling personal responsibilities squeezes meticulous political study out of their day — makes our society function.

Growing up in Mobile and living most of my 48 years here while raising twin boys, I feel like Average Joe most days. I’m sure you do too. But we’re the ones making the country tick. We coach the youth soccer team; we work the park league concession stand; we man the Salvation Army foodline on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.

We do.

Let us, and our elected officials, never forget that.

Politics, in my opinion, is like other industries in that it can be analyzed clinically. By that I mean a physician takes a “clinical” approach to your illness — there is a cause, and through objective analysis a solution is prescribed. Politics is no different. The only problem is people are involved. That said, history shows that human nature is predictable. Maybe not as much as bacteria, viruses or malevolent cells, but predictable nonetheless. Grasping that truth, and arming ourselves with political Louis Pasteurs like John Locke and Montesquieu — both of whom I’ll quote frequently — hopefully we can spread ideological vaccines to those needing them…and ultimately heal a sick nation.

Thanks, and I look forward to our next chat.
