For each column/editorial in this smorgasbord, follow the link embedded in the headline to read the whole piece.

Senator Ben Sasse shows Reaganesque outlook and insight (June 7): Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) made the substantive speech of the year so far when he spoke on June 2 at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.


Communist China took the hardest hit from Sasse’s words. U.S. isolationists also were pummeled. But the American people’s can-do spirit and abilities earned a welcome boost….

Wisconsin Supreme Court supports election integrity (July 9): One sentence from a Friday decision of the Wisconsin Supreme Court is true not just for the Badger State, but everywhere.

“If the right to vote is to have any meaning at all,” wrote the court majority in Teigen v. Wisconsin Elections Commission, “elections must be conducted according to law.”….


Why Trump should never be anywhere near power, ever, ever again (official Washington Examiner editorial, June 29)


In Arizona, Trump endorses an admirer of the Unabomber (July 7).


New data: Marijuana may be adding to violent crime wave (Official Washington Examiner editorial, June 13).


Why is Congress dawdling rather than fixing the Electoral Count Act? (June 9)


Rafael Nadal ranks with Willie Mays and Jack Nicklaus (July 9): Battling a slew of injuries, Nadal this year has spoken numerous times about a possible retirement. Because he is such a competitor, he probably won’t retire — but if he never plays another match, he will leave the game with a stunning peculiarity in his record. In the last time he played each of the four “major” tournaments, he never lost a match.

Scholar Ilya Shapiro was far too classy for Georgetown Law School (Official Washington Examiner editorial, June 7).


An air-travel nightmare (July 7)


Still trying to save American citizen stuck in Jordanian prison (June 10)


Trump was way off base in helping oust South Carolina.s U.S. Rep. Tom Rice (June 7)




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