Announcement from Quin: For now, I am writing full-time — lots of blog posts in addition to at least one weekly column — at The Washington Examiner. All of my Examiner work can be found, regularly, here.
But here at, this summary here provides a good sample of work on various topics, which I hope you will find interesting. Follow the links in the headlines for the full pieces.
Why the GOP should start reaching out to felon voters. [NOTE: I am not an advocate of automatic felon re-enfranchisement until after they have not re-offended for at least two years. But….] It’s time for Republicans to start appealing to felons.
They should do so for humane reasons. They should do so because practical benefits might accrue for the broader society. And they should do so because of raw political calculation: Ex-offenders increasingly will be voting, and so will their extended families….
All Hail NASA’s Martian InSight. NASA’s latest triumphant landing of a spacecraft on Mars should inspire us to reinvigorate our own capacity for wonder….
Trump for just one term? A Stone-cold case.
The headline virtually jumps out of the Drudge Report’s homepage: “Roger Stone: Trump may not run for re-election.” To which many observers will say, “Oh, may it only be so!”
As the flamboyant Stone, the long-time political consiglieri and boastful dirty trickster, is thought to be among the most insightful Trump-whisperers of all, this report is not to be taken lightly….
Supreme Court’s Louisiana frog ruling is no bull. On Tuesday, the nation’s highest court showed that simple logic in our legal system is not yet dead — or, to use the vernacular, that it hasn’t croaked….
Why Mitch McConnell should bow to Flake. [NOTE: I completely oppose what Jeff Flake is doing here, and urge him to cease and desist — but sometimes practical politics dictates that one swallow one’s pride in order to accomplish a larger goal, in this case meaning to confirm conservative judicial nominess.] Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., is hurting the conservative cause by taking a hard line against a gambit by retiring Sen. Jeff Flake….
Four Republicans take aim against Trump, hit their country instead.
For once, GOP should listen to NY Times, and take re-fashion its agenda and message.
Terrific students, told to remove American flag, buy a bigger one!
Two pieces — this one from Dec.4, and this one on Dec. 7 — on the nervous stock market.
Thank goodness we ended Prohibition.
How Congress can avoid dysfunction junction.
Is the academic Left finally in retreat?
A Republican should challenge Trump in 2020, even if it’s a long shot.